February 1, 2019

My Morning Routine + Why You Should Establish a Good One Too!

It’s no secret that I love my morning routine.

I’ve talked about it on my instagram, and in previous blog posts.

(See How to Beat the Winter Blues + 5 Ways You Are Sabotaging Your Week)

So today I thought I’d share what I do as part of my morning routine.

Keep in mind that my morning routine may look different from what you might deem as a good morning routine. Everyone has different preferences, obviously.


This is very important. I used to be sooo guilty of this (and still sometimes am..).

Hitting the snooze button after waking up can cause sleep inertia, which is going to make you even more exhausted compared to if you got up the first time your alarm went off.


First thing first, I make myself a cup of lemon and ginger hot water. It’s the first thing I put into my body on an empty stomach. It helps to detox my body and decrease bloat (in addition to other benefits).

All I do is add about 1 tbsp of lemon juice + grate some ginger into a cup of hot water.


Once my hot drink is done, I take it into the bathroom with me. As I brush my teeth, wash my face, and do my makeup, the hot drink has a chance to cool down to the point where I am able to sip my drink without burning my tongue. As soon as it’s at a comfortable temperature, I drink it while I do my hair and makeup.

Getting dolled up for the day helps me to feel more productive and better about myself. It may sound conceited or such, but it’s just what works for me.

I also like to listen to a podcast while I get ready. Gotta use every minute to get some knowledge or inspiration in!


In the evenings, I’m usually too tired to read. So I like to take at least 30 minutes to read either the Bible or a book in the mornings.


If I have some extra minutes before it’s time for me to head to work, I like to use it to wash the dishes, engage on instagram, or some other little tasks that don’t take much time.


Around 7am, I make my latte to go and pack my lunch while my car heats up. Then start driving to work!

Waking up at 5am and spending these two hours slowly setting the mood for my day makes a world of a difference for me! A slow morning is a perfect way to start my day without anxiety about running late or forgetting something. It also makes me feel and perform better at work.

Some people may choose to use this morning time to workout, but that’s just not the type of person I am. I prefer to do things I like in the morning LOL

What does your morning routine consist of?!

P.S. If you liked this post, I highly suggest you read this post: 8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8AM.

ā™” Alena

0 responses to “My Morning Routine + Why You Should Establish a Good One Too!”

  1. Unknown says:

    I strive to love routine at least a portion of how much you love it!šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š

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Welcome to Love Everything Lovely, a life & style blog filled with my take on living a life all around lovely and with the goal to inspire you to pursue your loveliest life! Iā€™m Alena, a twenty-something with a heart full of passion for beauty, fashion, and always striving to live my best and loveliest life.