February 22, 2016

Love So Deep

It’s probably the fact that the marketing team and society has made it feel like it is the most luxurious and classy product line/brand ever, but I am absolutely hooked! Their marketing emails are always so amazing and definitely inspire me to go on the site and make a purchase. Therefore, please don’t be alarmed by the proportion of Chanel products vs anything else in this post where I simply want to share the items I am loving lately.

Actually, “loving for a really really long time” would be more accurate.

There’s no rhyme or reason to the order of products I mention below or even the type of products I speak of. I have so many items that I am loving, but these are just a random few that I picked from my possessions. I think that throughout the weeks I will go through more and more items that I would like to share.

You may think that I added the flowers and the cup of “tea” as decoration to my picture, but you are wrong. These are loves too!

 Lisianthus. These flowers I actually picked up the night before I took this picture. I wanted to get fresh flowers for my room since the current tulips that I had were dead. When I saw these at a local Acme, I was quite intrigued! They looked like roses, but they weren’t roses. I’m not quite sure how to describe them, but they are more gentle than roses. The flower petals have a softer look and feel to them and they are a bit more flimsier than roses. So I purchased them. That night, I fell in love. I’m not a big fan of roses, but this more gentler and unique version is something I have been fawning over all weekend.

 Hourglass Ambient Lighting Palette. I never thought that I would like to add a sparkly item to my face. My skin is more on the oily side at times, so I always wanted matte skin. Screw the glow, I did not want to look oily. But, I don’t remember why or what happened, I bought a product that adds sparkle to my face. I talked about it more here if you are intrigued.

♥ Chanel Rouge Allure Lipstick in #91 Seduisante. It’s one of the most beautiful lipsticks I own. Most times I’m afraid to use it because it’s so lovely. It’s a beautiful light pink, but not too light. It’s not a nude, but more of a simple pink that is perfect for a gloomy day or when your makeup is so simple that you’d like to add a little something special to amp up your look. And can we talk about the packaging?! SO. CLASSY. This product basically summarizes why I am obsessed with Chanel. Simple, beautiful, lovely, luxurious, classy. Plus, opening the product to get to the lipstick part is fun. It’s like a button you click (this video has an example at the 1.45 minute mark).

 Le Volume de Chanel. This has to be my top-top-top-can’t-live-without product in my makeup drawer. It has been an answer to all of my mascara issues, so I definitely recommend reading a previous post I wrote about this wonderful item!

♥ My Ring. I apologize for interrupting this list of Chanel loveliness, but I would like to give some love to my everyday ring. I know you can’t see much of it in this picture, but you can head over to this Instagram photo I posted to see what the ring looks like on my finger. It was actually a gift from my love. No, not a promise ring or anything of that sort. It was simply a lovely diamond ring to remind me of how much he loves me. I love the scallops of this ring! It’s just so dainty and girly and I think it is so beautiful! Plus, he had it custom made with rose gold, which was so thoughtful because I am obsessed with rose gold!

 Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Eau De Parfum. “Feminine and sexy. Young and exciting.” That’s how Chanel describes it. Now I’m not quite gifted when it comes to describing perfumes, but I’ll tell you one thing. As sad as this makes me, Chanel perfumes can come off smelling a little bit like it’s for a more mature woman. However, it makes me very happy to say that this one is definitely not one of those “mature woman” perfumes. I was told that after a while, the fragrance of the perfume can change, which worried me because I’m one of those people who gets sad using up a lovely bottle of perfume so then I end up not using it as often. I am pleased to report that I’ve had this bottle for over a year now and each time I use it, I fall deeper in love with it. It’s absolutely divine! I’ve also noticed that when I spritz this lovely goodness into my hair I get more compliments, just a tip!

♥ “Tea”. If you’re a detailed one who caught and questioned why I added parentheses to the word “tea” mentioned below the photo above, I would like to applaud you. There’s a reason behind my parentheses. It’s not actually real tea. I’m not a big tea person at all. In fact, it oftentimes makes me a bit nauseous after I drink it. I know that it is so good for you and can make you feel all nice and cozy inside, but I just can’t get on that bandwagon. Therefore, I created my own little version. It actually kind of happened accidentally.  I was sick recently and wanted to soothe my throat, which I hear tea is supposed to help with. I also heard lemon and honey in tea was really good for you. That was when I decided I was going to boil water, add lemon, add honey, and drink it. Little did I know, I ended up loving it. To summarize, I now drink two to three cups of this “tea” daily. Why? Just because I love it and it makes me cozy inside. P.S. How cute is my teacup? Totally in love with that as well! Snagged it at Homegoods and it’s the only thing I’ve been drinking my coffee/”tea” from when at home.

Well this post was definitely longer than I had expected it to be. Hope you’re still around and are now reading the fact that I’m going to do a little giveaway!

Yep, that’s right!

Now it’s not anything too large, but, let me tell you, the love you’ll have for this is going to be larger than large!

Leave one comment under this blog post naming a few of your loves lately for a chance to get a free Le Volume de Chanel mascara!

I’ll choose a random reader on the last day of March.

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Welcome to Love Everything Lovely, a life & style blog filled with my take on living a life all around lovely and with the goal to inspire you to pursue your loveliest life! I’m Alena, a twenty-something with a heart full of passion for beauty, fashion, and always striving to live my best and loveliest life.