December 8, 2021

Life Changing Books to Read for the New Year

I am a huuuuge lover of self help books. I’m always looking for ways to improve my life, my routines, etc, so I’m just a sucker for them. Today I wanted to share with you 3 of my recommendations for life changing books that have truly transformed my life. I also believe they would be really good books for you to read before and/or at the start of the New Year, whether you’re looking for inspiration or tangible tips to incorporate in your life.

life changing books to read atomic habits james clear can't hurt me david goggins daily stoic ryan holiday


This is a book that I’ve re-read twice now. I read it at the start of 2020, I re-read it at the start of 2021, and I plan to read it again January 2022. There are sooo many good takeaways for creating habits that you actually stick to. And each time I read it, I feel not only re-inspired but also am shocked at how many more nuggets I pick up from the book despite having read it previously. It’s simply full of so many good life tips and gems. You can purchase the book here.

Below are a few quotes from the book I’ve loved, highlighted and made notes of:

The ultimate form of intrinsic motivation is when a habit becomes part of your identity. It’s one thing to say I’m the type of person to wants this. It’s something very different to say I’m the type of person who is this.

Page 33, James Clear, Atomic Habits

The secret to getting results that last is to never stop making improvements. It’s remarkable what you can build if you just don’t stop. It’s remarkable the knowledge you can build if you don’t stop learning. It’s remarkable the fortune you can build if you don’t stop saving. It’s remarkable the friendships you can build if you don’t stop caring. Small habits don’t add up. They compound. That’s the power of atomic habits. Tiny changes. Remarkable results.

page 253, James Clear, Atomic Habits

And if you want take it a step further, the author (James Clear) also has a weekly newsletter with great nuggets. You can subscribe to it here.


My trainer introduced me to this man and book this year, and boy am I grateful! Ryan even let me borrow his copy of the book but then I started reading it and needed to highlight so many gems so I ended up buying my own copy of the book. David Goggins is one superhuman being, his story is so inspiring. The interesting lesson here though is that we can all be just as superhuman as Goggins. It’s not like Goggins was someone special, he’s literally a regular Joe-Schmoe like every one of us. Sure, his life and actions are a bit of an extreme, and I’m not saying I want to go to his extreme, but there is a very important lesson in this book about how powerful we can all be if we adjusted our mindset. You can purchase the book here.

Warning though: This book is very tough love kind of vibe, so it might trigger some anger within LOL I’m personally someone who functions best with tough love and hate when someone is sugar coating things, so I didn’t mind. Personally I feel we need some tough love from time to time.

Below is a passage from the book I’ve loved, highlighted and made notes of:

Our culture has become hooked on the quick fix, the life hack, efficiency. Everyone is on the hunt for that simple action algorithm that nets maximum profit with the least amount of effort. There’s no denying this attitude may get you some of the trappings of success, if you’re lucky, but it will not lead to a calloused mind or self-mastery. If you want to master the mind and remove your governor, you’ll have to become addicted to hard work. Because passion and obsession, even talent, are only useful tools if you have the work ethic to back them up.

Page 249, David Goggins, Can’t Hurt Me

If you want to take it a step further, you can also follow David Goggins on instagram for more life lessons & inspiration.


I read this book year round. It’s similar to something like a devotional, minus the religious part. This book has so many wise tidbits for anyone, no matter who/what you believe in. If you are working on your character, personality, anger-issues, how you react to situations, or if you just want to start your day on a good note with general reminders of little ways to live your best life, this book is for you. You can purchase the book here.

If you prefer not to purchase the book, you can subscribe to the author’s podcast here and/or his newsletter here.

Last night I started another self help book, “Best Self: Be You, Only Better. I’ll you posted on my instagram how I like it.

I hope this post inspires you to pick up at least one of these books, and for them to also change your life. If you have a friend interested in personal development, these would also make great gifts! Dare I say, even life-changing gifts šŸ˜‰

I’d love to hear all about your life changing book recommendations too! Be sure to let me know which books have changed your life in the comments below!

If you enjoyed this post, you might also enjoy my blog post on Habits I Can’t Live Without and Podcasts I Enjoy.

šŸ’— Alena

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Welcome to Love Everything Lovely, a life & style blog filled with my take on living a life all around lovely and with the goal to inspire you to pursue your loveliest life! Iā€™m Alena, a twenty-something with a heart full of passion for beauty, fashion, and always striving to live my best and loveliest life.