September 22, 2016

Here’s to a New Season

It’s always a sad moment when you realize summer is officially over and autumn has fallen upon us (see what I did there? šŸ˜‰ ). But there’s no reason to fall in spirit, there are so many great things to fall in love with in this new season.

(That’s the last of my awful joking, I promise.)

Today, I’d like to take a moment to say one last farewell to the summer season and all the fashion that goes along with it, including a beautiful, flowy dress that was an absolute favorite these past few months.

This dress represents summer so well, in my opinion.

Free flowing, lightweight, easy, fun, effortless, beautiful, and simply so lovely!

Summer, you were a good one.

Here’s to a new season! Happy Autumn!

What has been your fave outfit this summer?!Photographer: Studio Conteur

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Welcome to Love Everything Lovely, a life & style blog filled with my take on living a life all around lovely and with the goal to inspire you to pursue your loveliest life! Iā€™m Alena, a twenty-something with a heart full of passion for beauty, fashion, and always striving to live my best and loveliest life.