April 12, 2020

My Fave DIY Face Mask

I’m a huge lover of facemasks and it’s basically taken over my skincare routine as this COVID19 lockdown has kept us home for four weeks now. So I thought I’d share my fave DIY face mask. I’ve been slowly running out of my skincare serums and creams so I’ve just been doing masks on my face. Plus, in an effort to give less work to the mailman, I’m trying to order less items online so these people have more time to deliver items that are truly essentials to people who truly need those items.

Anyway, I’ve loved this DIY face mask since 2013. You know it’s a good one when you’ve done it for seven years!

diy face mask exfoliate skin glowing skincare 1


1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp nutmeg

1 tsp honey


Antibacterial, which helps fight acne and pimples

Soaks up impurities from your pores

Retains moisture, which causes your skin to be radiant, soft, and supple

Slows down aging

The antioxidants help fight off skin damage

Anti-fungal, which helps disinfect


Antimicrobial, which helps fight pimples

Adds a glow to your face

Brings blood and nutrients to the skin’s surface

Dries out the pimples

Great exfoliator



Helps with rosacea and eczema

Great exfoliator

When you mix the three ingredients together, it becomes quite a powerful mask! 

Of course, be careful not to put this paste close to your eyes because the cinnamon may cause your eyes to burn. Also, make sure to test out a small patch of your skin first to make sure you don’t have a bad reaction to it!

diy face mask exfoliate skin glowing skincare 2

I typically leave the mask on my face for about 15 minutes. Before removing it, I massage the mask into my face in circular motions so that the cinnamon and nutmeg can do its magic to exfoliate my skin. Then, I wipe the mask off with a damp paper towel. My face feels sooo smooth after this mask!

What are some of your favorite face masks?!

I’d love to see what face masks you are using! Be sure to send me a DM on instagram and let me know!

Hope you are doing well during this quarantine. If you’re having a bad day, read my 3 tips here. If you’re bored, check out my Youtube channel!

♥ Alena

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Welcome to Love Everything Lovely, a life & style blog filled with my take on living a life all around lovely and with the goal to inspire you to pursue your loveliest life! I’m Alena, a twenty-something with a heart full of passion for beauty, fashion, and always striving to live my best and loveliest life.