June 8, 2018

Blush Lace Dress

Happy Friday, friends! This day couldn’t come fast enough! When I was leaving work on Wednesday, I started to say “Have a great weekend!” But then stopped because I realized it was only Wednesday. *facepalm*

So excited to share with ya’ll some summer content my husband and I shot while we vacationed in Antigua in mid-May!

P.S. Have you read my recap of our trip to Antigua here?!

I’ve literally only worn this dress when on vacation – once in Miami last Labor Day and this time in Antigua. It’s the perfect dress when on vacation (well, actually anytime, not just on vacay!) – super comfy!

Despite wanting to go back on vacay, it’s also so nice to be back in our home. If you haven’t heard via my Instagram, we bought a house back in March! It is a bit of a mess currently since we’re not done with renovations, but it still makes me happy that Charming and I have this little nook to continue to build our life together. I’ve spent the past two evenings tidying up our garden and mulching it. It’s so rewarding to see the flowers and herbs we planted earlier this spring blossom and grow!

I already started picking my mint leaves and storing them away in the fridge & freezer. So if anyone wants any mint leaves, let me know because I have a mint bush that is growing much faster than I can keep up with! I’d be more than happy to share my mint.

Did I mention that we also have two peach trees, an apple tree, and figs growing in our yard?! Well, they haven’t quite started growing yet, but I can see little mini peaches sprouting already!

I’m hoping our hydrangea bush blooms soon too, it would be just in time to prune and place into a vase in my new kitchen (*insert all the excitement emojis*)!

Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog! I’ll be back on Tuesday sharing some of my fave face masks (gotta love ’em!)! In the meantime, you should follow me on Instagram for more daily updates on my outfits, home, gardening, and more!

♡ Alena

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Welcome to Love Everything Lovely, a life & style blog filled with my take on living a life all around lovely and with the goal to inspire you to pursue your loveliest life! I’m Alena, a twenty-something with a heart full of passion for beauty, fashion, and always striving to live my best and loveliest life.