October 17, 2019

Best Remedies for a Severe Cold (Based on Recommendations from You!)

If you follow me on my insta-stories, you might’ve seen my saga last week about how I was sick for over a week with a cold that I just couldn’t kick. So I got on and asked you what your remedies were because clearly what I was doing was not helping me. So I thought I’d share all of your responses in case you are sick too (hopefully not for long though!) or for you to save so you know what to do when you do get sick (God forbid) this coming winter season.

If you missed my saga on insta-stories, it’s for the best, I was annoying. But I appreciate you coming to this blog post for the cliff notes!

Black Elderberry Syrup
I’ve never heard of this before but apparently Elderberry Syrup is high in Vitamin C and antioxidants that help to recover from a cold quicker. It also supports the immune system, fights cancer, and is an antidepressant.
You can read more about elderberry in this article I found.
Cut it up into small pieces and swallow it. Sleep with some by your bedside as well.
I really think this helped me a lot in recovering. After I received this recommendation, I ate 2-3 cloves for two days and I swear I felt drastically better.
22 Swedish Bitters
I wasn’t able to find these for myself this time around, but I plan to order these online to keep in my medicine cabinet for the next time a cold comes into my home.
TheraFlu Severe Cold Tea Packets
I drank these daily and I loved how it soothed my throat! It was so nice to drink them throughout the day at work, especially since my job involves talking to customers.
Liquids: Water, Ginger Tea, Juices
I’m not a big juice person, but many of the recommendations said orange juice was helpful for a cold. I did try to drink a lot of water and teas throughout my miserable 1.5 weeks. Gotta flush all those gross germs out!
Vitamin C & Zinc Supplements
I’m sure we all know vitamin C is crucial in supporting your immune system. But I had no idea zinc was that important too! I personally haven’t tried this to see how it would help me to recover from my cold, but I do plan on looking into getting a daily multivitamin to support my overall health.
Mucinex DM
Ok, this stuff is strong! I should’ve purchased this as soon as I felt my cold coming on but I didn’t and I regret it. I ended up getting it towards the end of my miserable week and it has made an immediate difference in how I felt.
Vodka Shot w/ Cracked Pepper
I haven’t had a chance to try this remedy. But I can only imagine how strong this is and totally understand why this could work to help in a severe cold.

I hope you found this post helpful.
I can’t believe I just wrote a blog post of cold relief medicines LOL
Please don’t hold me responsible for any of these recommendations. I’m not a doctor so I definitely recommend consulting with a doctor before taking any medications.
If you have any other tips that have helped you battle a cold, feel free to add them in the comments below!
♡ Alena

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Welcome to Love Everything Lovely, a life & style blog filled with my take on living a life all around lovely and with the goal to inspire you to pursue your loveliest life! I’m Alena, a twenty-something with a heart full of passion for beauty, fashion, and always striving to live my best and loveliest life.