August 18, 2016

Angels in India

On June 4, 2016, 21 of us flew from the United States to Hyderabad, India for a week.

Why? To open angel homes and love on the beautiful angels.

Each day we would drive 3 to 5 hours away to villages where we would be opening an angel home, a.k.a orphanage. Each day was a different home for a different set of orphans, a.k.a angels. That week we visited 5 angel homes filled with beautiful children.

These angels are no longer on the streets, but received a bed and a home with a stable roof. On top of that, they’ve received a set of house parents from a local church.

Despite living in such unfortunate conditions, the angels in each angel home greeted us with such beautiful floral leis!

These kids had absolutely nothing, so this was especially special because you knew they were giving you everything they had.

During our trip, we encountered some girls who had almost no hair. We thought “maybe it’s just lice.” However, we found out we were very wrong when someone told us that a shaved head on a girl meant the child was basically for sale.

Thanks to the Angel House sponsors, these angels received school supplies, coloring supplies, jump ropes, and other fun items in addition to a new home.

We also had a big birthday party for all the angels at each of the homes we visited that week!

The sweet girls in the picture above decided to share their slice of cake, despite each of them already having a slice! Can you believe it?! These girls have nothing, but are still sharing with such joy!

How often would you actually give up a piece of your slice of cake?!

In addition to giving these angels a home, we also provided them with wells filled with clean water!

Meeting many of these children was a bit difficult considering that they don’t speak English (due to lack of education).

However, we were able to play with the kids and just show them that they are definitely not forgotten and are so loved!

These angels haven’t been able get an education since they are required to have an address in order to attend school.

With the help of the Angel House sponsors, they now have:

♥ a new home

♥ an opportunity to get an education

♥ 3 meals per day instead of 1 (if they were lucky)

♥ medical checkups

♥ clean water

♥ clothing

♥ lots of love

The sponsor for one of the homes provided shoes to the children.

In the picture above, this moment was especially precious for us all as the boy pictured was blind.

Our team from across the United States.

Today, Angel House has been able to provide a home to 2,485 angels and has opened 105 homes.

I have been reminiscing on this trip constantly and cannot wait for when I can go back for the 24,997,515 angels left in India who need a home 

If you’d like to see more from my trip to India, watch this video.

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Welcome to Love Everything Lovely, a life & style blog filled with my take on living a life all around lovely and with the goal to inspire you to pursue your loveliest life! I’m Alena, a twenty-something with a heart full of passion for beauty, fashion, and always striving to live my best and loveliest life.