November 10, 2021

5 Habits I Can’t Live Without

You might’ve heard about different “things I can’t live without” but I wanted to take it to the next level & talk about 5 *intangible* things I can’t live without. AKA: habits I can’t live without. These are literally essential to me feeling like myself, being the most productive, and living my loveliest life.

Below are a few non-negotiables I have to start any week and/or any day in the best way & make it as successful as possible.


When I start the day off without hitting the snooze button, I feel unstoppable. And that unstoppable feeling just rolls into every other task I take on in my day. As hard as it might be, it is so rewarding to wake up with time to spare throughout my morning routine.


Probably my favorite time of day. A quiet coffee moment means you’re not running late, you are on your A-game, you get to enjoy & savor the delicious smell of caffeine, you’re feeling calm, there’s a feeling of ambition in the air. You’re simply feeling fabulous about yourself. I love that feeling and I love this moment before a day officially begins (or even in the middle of the day for a little afternoon pick-me-up).


Of course, going about your day in an uncomfortable outfit is not going to make you feel the best about yourself. Even though you might look cute, that uncomfortable outfit might make you slightly more irritable. You might even end up taking that irritability out on someone who doesn’t deserve it.


How cliche, right? But when you are fueling your body with healthy foods, you are feeling good. You can’t tell me that you feel motivated to tackle your day with McDonalds for breakfast and a greasy lunch. I’m not saying you should only be eating a sad salad for lunch. But a meal that is full of nutritious food that excites you will give you the proper fuel to go about your day feeling your best, not low-energy & grouchy. An afternoon latte also helps sometimes šŸ˜‰


You need time off to avoid burnout. You’re not living to work, you’re working to LIVE! I love an evening of doing absolutely nothing. Some nights I’ll go out in the city, have myself an evening. But after 2020, I feel like my “homebody-ness” has really increased and most nights I’m having myself an evening at home, either on my porch enjoying a sunset or on my couch watching a show I love. The next morning, I’m ready to do it allll over again!


Call it getting old, but going to bed early is the BEST! Now there are some nights when inspiration strikes & I get my best work done at night so I’ll stay up, but most nights I’m ready for bed as soon as the sun sets! And if I want to plan for a successful early morning, an early bedtime is key.

What are a few habits you can’t live without?!

If you enjoyed this blog post about my essential habits, you might also want to read:

Secret to Becoming Unstoppable

5 Tips to Get Through the Work Day

5 Ways You Are Sabotaging Your Week

šŸ’— Alena

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Welcome to Love Everything Lovely, a life & style blog filled with my take on living a life all around lovely and with the goal to inspire you to pursue your loveliest life! Iā€™m Alena, a twenty-something with a heart full of passion for beauty, fashion, and always striving to live my best and loveliest life.